Register for Thrill The World
The Chance To Dance Team is hosting Thrill The World to raise money for Island Harvest.
Thrill The World is an annual worldwide attempt to break the Largest Simultaneous Dance with Michael Jackson’s “Thriller.” Thousands of people in cities around the world will learn “Thriller,” dance and perform it together at exactly the same time.
Date: Saturday October 24, 2020
Time: 2:30-6:30pm
Location: Chance To Dance
140 North Belle Mead Rd Suite F Setauket, NY 11733
Cost: Pre-Register and only pay $15/$20 at the door
Adults and Children 7 years and older are invited to Thrill The World
Schedule For The Day
2:30-4:30pm Dress comfortably to learn the dance
Please bring your zombie costume, zombie makeup, water, and a snack.
4:30-5:30pm Pizza Party/ Get Into Costume
5:30-6:00pm Pictures
6:00-6:15pm Thrill Time to Break The Record
6:15-6:30pm Video
Space is limited.
If you have any questions, please email Miss Jen: chance2dance@aol.com
Register for Thrill The World
All C2D Community Events Are Open To The Public.
No Experience Necessary.
We Would Love To Have You Join Us.