K-1st Grade Dance Classes
K-1st Grade Dance Classes
Chance To Tap and Twirl
Chance To Twirl and Tap is a combination Ballet, Tap and an intro to Jazz-HipHop class for K-1st Graders. Twirl and Tap will continue to build a love for dance through various creative and imaginative techniques. This class will begin to train the younger body to begin to recognize its potential while teaching proper technique to build strength. Dancers will receive a small taste of all three styles of dance. Our young dancers will be introduced to the ballet barre, the rhythm and syncopation of tap sounds, and the basic technical skills required of the jazz-hiphop dancer. Only one dance is performed in the recital.
Class can be taken for the dance year $60 per month for 10 months
$180 per 6 week session
Chance To Tap and Twirl Schedule