2nd-3rd Grade Dance Classes
2nd-3rd Grade Dance Classes
2nd-3rd Grade Ballet, Tap, and Jazz-HipHop Combo
2nd-3rd grade Ballet, Tap, and Jazz-HipHop Combo is a 1 ½ hour long class that allows dancers to receive training in all three styles of dance. Ballet helps build endurance, strength and flexibility. Tap enables our dancers to develop both musicality and coordination while focusing on rhythm and sound quality. Jazz-HipHop is FUN based and designed to build confidence and allow self expression. Three dances will be performed in the recital. We will use a 2 in 1 costume so only 2 costumes will need to be purchased.
Only $115 Per Month for all 3 classes
2nd-3rd Grade Jazz-HipHop
Jazz-HipHop is a fusion of Jazz and Hip Hop.
Jazz Dance focuses on developing strength, flexibility, and body control by using center warm-ups and across the floor exercises and center warm-ups. Skills such as isolations, extensions, leaps and turns are incorporated into upbeat fast and fun combinations to challenge our dancers.
Hip Hop is an energetic fun class. Hip Hop incorporates popular “street styles” of dancing to the trendy, music of today. Hip Hop dance is a hard-hitting, less-structured form of dance. Funky combinations are learned as well as across the floor and center warm-ups. Dancers are encouraged to step outside of the box by bringing their own individual style and personality to the movements.
2nd-3rd Grade Technique
Technique class is designed to improve a dancer's range of motion, enhance muscle flexibility and build core muscle strength. Through a variety of stretches and strengthening exercises, dancers will also increase their awareness of their own body's potential as it connects to expression through movement. Turns, Leaps, and Kicks will be strengthened in technique class. It is strongly recommended that all dancers incorporate Technique into their dance training especially dancers looking to be more serious. Technique is a skills class with no recital and is offered to 2nd grade and older dancers.
2nd-3rd Grade Dance Team
C2D Dance Team is available to serious dancers 2nd grade and older. Our goal is to raise money for charities, get a few more performance opportunities, build lifelong friendships, and be a part of the community. Dance Team dancers are required to take Tap, Jazz, Ballet, and Technique.
$100 Fee for the Entire Dance Year