Join our C2D Dance Team
C2D Dance Team
C2D Dance Team is available to serious dancers 2nd grade and older. Our goal is to raise money for charities, get a few more performance opportunities, build lifelong friendships, and learn to work as a team by being supportive, kind, and respectful to each other. Dance Team dancers are required to take Tap, Jazz, Ballet, and Technique.
We will be thinking outside of the box again and giving our team dancers amazing experiences for our 2021-22 Dance Season.
The cost for Dance Team is a flat fee of only $100 for the Dance Year. (That’s just $10 per month).
Over the years, C2D Dance Team has accomplished many wonderful things to be proud of…
- Disney World. The C2D Dance Team has Performed at Disney World and danced in the parade down Main Street USA.
- Nursing Home Project. As a team, we put together several dances and perform yearly at multiple Nursing Homes.
- Annual Thanksgiving Food Drive which over the years has collected enough food for over 100 local families in need to receive beautiful, complete thanksgiving feasts. The team sorts the food, makes personalized gift tags, and wraps the gift baskets themselves.
- Dance-A-Thon Fundraisers
- Bake Sale Fundraisers
- Attend Dance Conventions to experience the dance world.
- Performances at Six Flags Dance Fest.
- Team Building Sleepovers and Parties.
- Thrill The World, A worldwide simultaneous performance of Michael Jackson’s “Thriller”.
- Girl Scout Event to inform Girl Scouts about healthy eating and respecting their bodies. The team taught the girls a dance and the Girl Scouts were able to earn their Dance Badge at the end of the event.
- Princess Tea Party/Ballerina Brunch open to the community to raise money for charity.
- Parent Night Out. The team organized movies, crafts, dancing, and games for all the participants.
- Marched in the Setauket Electric Light Parade to build community pride and passed out candy to all the children enjoying the parade.
- Sponsored families for families in need at the holidays.
- Collecting gently used costumes yearly for a orphanage in Panama.
- C2D Dance Team Recital Dances. We put together amazing Team recital dances with reduced costume fees.
Throughout the Pandemic we have been able to create...
- Safe Trunk Or Treat with 6 foot candy chutes.
- An outdoor performance DVD for nursing home residents.
- Cards and Video messages for nursing home residents.
- Thrill The World, A worldwide simultaneous performance of Michael Jackson’s “Thriller”. Complete with Zoom Audience.
- Virtual Girl Scout Event to inform Girl Scouts about healthy eating and respecting their bodies. The team taught the girls a dance and the Girl Scouts were able to earn their Dance Badge at the end of the event.
- Big Sibling/Little Sibling Events.
- Drive Through Electric Light Parade.
- Holiday Party.
- International Dance Day Event.
- Sponsored 4 children in need and purchased their holiday wish list.
- Collected gently used costumes for a orphanage in Panama.
- Thanksgiving Food Drive which collected enough food for 20 local families in need to receive beautiful, complete thanksgiving feasts.
- C2D Green Screen Film Project outdoors in the “rain”.
We will be doing many of the events we have done in the past and continue to add some new creative ideas to give our team dancers as many amazing experiences as possible for our 2021-22 Dance Season.
- We will continue to research and find as many safe extra performance opportunities we can.
- We will consistently look for as many ways as possible to give back to our community.